IUKL Library
Berman, Margo.

The Copywriter's Toolkit : The Complete Guide to Strategic Advertising Copy. - 1 online resource (398 pages) - New York Academy of Sciences Ser. . - New York Academy of Sciences Ser. .

THE COPYWRITER'S TOOLKIT: THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO STRATEGIC ADVERTISING COPY -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- CHAPTER ONE: THE PERSUASIVE WORD: STRATEGY ABCs: AUDIENCE, BENEFITS, AND CREATIVE BRIEFS -- Thinking about strategy . rst -- Examining the brief: an up-close look -- Templates 1.1: The shorter creative brief -- Templates 1.2: The creative brief -- Gaining deeper audience insight through VALS and observational research -- Useful info 1.3: VALS comparison starting with highest incomes on top -- Understanding secondary audience versus primary audience -- Delving into consumer insights -- Realizing the importance of a benefit -- Creative strategy exercises -- Notes -- CHAPTER TWO: THE STRATEGIC WORD: STRATEGY CATEGORIES -- Using strategic thinking strengthens each touchpoint -- Analyzing types of strategies -- Keeping a handy reference list of strategies -- Evaluating strategies and needs -- Applying different types of positioning -- Inventing the USP: selling uniqueness -- Creating the main message: campaign slogans -- Deciding the tone of voice -- Considering competitors -- Designing tactics -- Advice from the pros 2.1: Charlie Hopper's writing for speci. c media tips -- Final creative direction checklist -- Creative strategy exercises -- Notes -- CHAPTER THREE: THE CHOSEN WORD: WRITING TECHNIQUES -- Developing a strong message with legs -- Determining the tone of voice -- Finding the point of view -- Writing the way you speak -- Writing to your audience -- Checklist 3.1: A quick "Grammar" copywriting checklist -- Writing for the medium and the senses -- Writing for celebrities -- Finding your own voice: some tips -- Quick chapter overview -- Checklist 3.2: Writing technique tips checklist -- Creative writing exercises -- Notes -- CHAPTER FOUR: THE STICKY WORD: HEADLINE AND SLOGAN TECHNIQUES. Devising ad structure: headlines, subheads, body copy, and slogans -- Remembering the call to action -- Thinking up catchy headlines and subheads -- Reviewing different kinds of headlines -- Making up sticky slogans: the backbone of campaigns -- Adding power to your writing -- Copywriting insights and tips -- Making your copy sticky -- Creative writing exercises -- Notes -- CHAPTER FIVE: THE WRITTEN WORD: PRINT -- Writing for the printed page -- Formulating one focused message -- Remembering the reader -- Checklist 5.1: Copy checklist -- Discovering basic copy format -- Templates 5.2: Basic print ad copy format -- Templates 5.3: Basic brochure copy format -- Focusing on strategy, audience, bene. ts, tone of voice, message, and relevance -- Recognizing categories of effective messages -- Exploring playful, humorous, empathetic print ads -- Studying more ads that empathize with the target -- Identifying ads with an insider's understanding -- Shaping witty headlines that say it all -- Noticing ads that don't look like ads -- Copywriting: a closer look -- Print writing tips -- Useful info 5.4: Common qualities in featured campaigns -- Creative print checklist -- Checklist 5.5: Print campaign checklist of questions -- Creative print ad exercises -- Notes -- CHAPTER SIX: THE SPOKEN WORD: RADIO -- Becoming a radio a. cionado -- Tips and rules 6.1: How to write for the ear -- Learning some radio tips from the masters -- Tips and rules 6.2: Basic radio writing rules -- Observing a few more radio writing "rules" -- Applying basic radio copy format -- Finding out more about radio format -- Templates 6.3: Standard radio format -- Useful info 6.4: Common radio terms -- Thinking about production from the start -- Using union and nonunion talent, music, and sound effects -- Working with and directing the talent -- Understanding radio dayparts. Exploring examples of great radio scripts -- Script 1: Silver in the City :60 radio, "lead lining" -- Script 2: Silver in the City, :60 radio, "seasons/vortex" -- Script 3: Goodwill, :60 radio, "his, hers and ours" -- Script 4: Pop Weaver Popcorn, :60 radio, "tv spot on the radio" -- Script 5: Pop Weaver Popcorn, :30 radio, "arlene" -- Script 6: Motel 6, :60 radio, "comparison" -- Script 7: The Laughing Cow "Valley Girl" and "Enid" radio campaign -- Advice from the pros 6.5: Joy Golden's 10 secrets for creating successful comedy radio commercials -- Writing radio tips -- Advice from the pros 6.6: Charlie Hopper's tips for writing for radio -- Reviewing radio: the wrap up -- Creative radio exercises -- Notes -- CHAPTER SEVEN: THE ANIMATED WORD: TELEVISION -- Scrutinizing television writing: what's the secret? -- Analyzing TV writing: where to begin -- Tips and rules 7.1: The three Rs -- Reviewing universal truths -- Scripts and examples 7.2: Bridgestone TV script: "taters" -- Discovering more about universal truths -- Scripts and examples 7.3: Bridgestone TV script: "scream" -- Scripts and examples 7.4: Bridgestone TV script: "hot item" -- Portraying common goals -- Scripts and examples 7.5: Angie's List TV script: "pay per view" -- Scripts and examples 7.6: Angie's List TV script: "red paint" -- Seeing how exaggeration, humor, and strong copy drive home benefits -- Realizing a great tip for TV spot length -- Investigating ways to present TV ideas -- Scripts and examples 7.7: Story script example: Hewlett-Packard, :30 TV, "Live Wirelessly. Print Wirelessly." -- Learning from beloved Super Bowl spots -- Identifying types of TV commercials -- Useful info 7.8: Some popular types of TV spots -- Writing TV scripts -- Tips and rules 7.9: Basic TV writing rules for scripts -- Absorbing key copywriting tips -- Tom Amico's tips (Kaplan Thaler Group). Sara Rose's tips (Goodby Silverstein & -- Partners) -- Vinny Warren's tips just on screenwriting (The Escape Pod) -- Casting TV talent -- Becoming familiar with TV terminology -- Useful info 7.10: Common TV terms -- Templates 7.11: Basic TV copy format -- Scripts and examples 7.12: Weight Watchers "momentum" campaign examples -- Creative TV exercises -- Notes -- CHAPTER EIGHT: THE DELIVERED AND ABRIDGED WORD: DIRECT MAIL, MOBILE, AND SMALL-SPACE WRITING -- Exploring direct mail -- Grasping why direct mail? -- Checklist 8.1: Direct mail handy checklist -- Learning a few pointers about writing self-promotion letters -- Advice from the pros 8.2: Drayton Bird's letter writing principles -- Creating messages for mobile e-mail marketing -- Writing copy for product packaging -- Examining examples of creative package copy -- Advice from the pros 8.3: Five tips for better results with mobile e-mail marketing from Shane Ketterman -- Checklist 8.4: Small-space writing checklist -- Scripts and examples 8.5: Headlines for Ugly Mug Coffee bags -- Learning some tips for small-space writing from Charlie Hopper -- Advice from the pros 8.6: Basic writing tips from Curt Mueller -- Creating coupon copy -- Examining online banner ad copy -- Understanding catalog copywriting -- Scripts and examples 8.7: Ovation Guitars copy -- Checklist 8.8: Catalog copywriting checklist -- Creative abridged writing exercises -- Notes -- CHAPTER NINE: THE AMBIENT AND MOVING WORD: OUT-OF-HOME AND TRANSIT -- Starting from the medium -- Useful info 9.1: Kinds of ambient media -- Noticing messages wherever you are -- Looking closely at out-of-home messages -- Tips and rules 9.2: Tips for writing ambient copy -- Thinking about surprising the audience -- Understanding your audience's frame of reference -- Being irreverent and still effective. Taking a once touchy subject into a humorous campaign -- Finding new places to advertise -- Checklist 9.3: Creative ambient checklist -- Creative ambient exercises -- Notes -- CHAPTER TEN: THE ONLINE COMMUNAL WORD: DIGITAL DIALOGUE, VIRTUAL COMMUNITY, BLOGGING -- Interacting with your online audience -- Writing for the Web -- Surfing the Web -- Talking to the reader -- Evaluating the copy's tone of voice -- Including clever headlines -- Scripts and examples 10.1: Fun website headlines -- Advice from the pros 10.2: Warning: use these . ve headline formulas at your own risk -- Analyzing the message -- Tips and rules 10.3: The 10 basic rules of copywriting -- Creating a successful blog -- Tips and rules 10.4: 10 steps for a successful blog series -- Reading blogs for digital writing tips -- Editing: Charlie Hopper's tips to cut copy -- Advice from the pros 10.5: Andy Beal's top blogging tips -- Useful info 10.6: Top copy-speci. c blogs from "top copywriting sites" -- Looking into blogs for ad agencies -- Learning blogging tips -- Learning the rules of guest blogging -- Revealing more bloggers' observations -- Looking at online versus print articles -- Useful info 10.7: Social media ethical issue terms -- Reviewing digital writing -- Checklist 10.8: Blogging checklist -- Creative blogging exercises -- Notes -- CHAPTER ELEVEN: THE ONLINE WORD: WEBSITES -- Considering different types of digital directions -- Examining a site with straightforward copy -- Scripts and examples 11.1: Where we come from -- Looking at copy on two digital agency sites -- Examining a humorous site -- Understanding SEO as a writer -- Advice from the pros 11.2: Derek Cromwell's website copywriting tips -- Staying current about SEO -- Useful info 11.3: 24 awesome SEO blogs everyone should read -- Learning digital media from online experts. Advice from the pros 11.4: Alessandra Lariu's digital writing tips.


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