IUKL Library
Shrayer, Maxim D.

Voices of Jewish-Russian Literature : An Anthology. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (849 pages) - Jews of Russia and Eastern Europe and Their Legacy Ser. . - Jews of Russia and Eastern Europe and Their Legacy Ser. .

Intro -- Half-Title -- Editors -- Title -- Copyright -- Table of Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Note on Transliteration, Spelling of Names, and Dates -- Note on How to Use This Anthology -- General Introduction: The Legacy of Jewish-Russian Literature Maxim D. Shrayer -- Early Voices: 1800s-1850s -- Editor's Introduction -- Leyba Nevakhovich (1776-1831) -- From Lament of the Daughter of Judah (1803) -- Leon Mandelstam (1819-1889) -- "The People" (1840) -- Ruvim Kulisher (1828-1896) -- From An Answer to the Slav (1849 -- pub. 1911) -- Osip Rabinovich (1817-1869) -- From The Penal Recruit (1859) -- Seething Times: 1860s-1880s -- Editor's Introduction -- Lev Levanda (1835-1888) -- From Seething Times (1860s -- pub. 1871-73) -- Grigory Bogrov (1825-1885) -- "Childhood Sufferings" from Notes of a Jew (1863 -- pub. 1871-73) -- Rashel Khin (1861-1928) -- From The Misfit (1881) -- Semyon Nadson (1862-1887) -- From "The Woman" (1883) -- "I grew up shunning you, O most degraded nation . . ." (1885) -- On the Eve: 1890s-1910s -- Editor's Introduction -- Ben-Ami (1854-1932) -- Preface to Collected Stories and Sketches (1898) -- David Aizman (1869-1922) -- "The Countrymen" (1902) -- Semyon Yushkevich (1868-1927) -- From The Jews (1903) -- Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940) -- "In Memory of Herzl" (1904) -- Sasha Cherny (1880-1932) -- "The Jewish Question" (1909) -- "Judeophobes" (1909) -- S. An-sky (1863-1920) -- "The Book" (1910) -- Samuil Marshak (1887-1964) -- "Palestine" (1916) -- Sofia Parnok (1885-1933) -- "My anguish does the Lord not heed . . ." (1913-22) -- "Hagar" (1913-22) -- "Not for safekeeping for awhile . . ." (1913-22) -- Leonid Kannegiser (1896-1918) -- "A Jewish Wedding" (1916) -- "Regimental Inspection" (1917) -- Revolution and Emigration: 1920s-1930s -- Editor's Introduction -- Lev Lunts (1901-1924) -- "Native Land" (1922). Veniamin Kaverin (1902-1989) -- "Shields (and Candles)" (1922) -- Vladislav Khodasevich (1886-1939) -- "Not my mother but a Tula peasant woman . . ." (1917 -- 1922) -- "In Moscow I was born. I never . . ." (1923) -- Andrey Sobol (1888-1926) -- "The Count" (1922-23) -- Ilya Ehrenburg (1891-1967) -- From The Extraordinary Adventures of Julio Jurenito and His Disciples (1922) -- Viktor Shklovsky (1893-1984) -- From Zoo, or Letters Not about Love (1923) -- Matvey Royzman (1896-1973) -- "Kol Nidrei" (1923) -- Mark Aldanov (1886-1957) -- "The Assassination of Uritsky" (1923) -- Osip Mandelstam (1891-1938) -- "Judaic Chaos" from Noise of Time (1925) -- "One Alexander Herzovich . . ." (1931) -- "Say, desert geometer, shaper . . ." (1933) -- Dovid Knut (1900-1955) -- "I, Dovid-Ari ben Meir…" (1925) -- "A Kishinev Burial" (1929) -- "The Land of Israel" (1938) -- Evgeny Shklyar (1894-1942) -- "Shield of David, crescent or ikon . . ." (1923) -- "Where's Home?" (1925) -- Isaac Babel (1894-1940) -- "The Rabbi's Son" (1924) -- "Awakening" (1931) -- Vera Inber (1890-1972) -- "The Nightingale and the Rose" (1925) -- Elizaveta Polonskaya (1890-1969) -- "Encounter" (1927) -- Viktor Fink (1888-1973) -- From Jews on the Land (1929) -- "The Preachers" -- "The New Culture" -- Semyon Kirsanov (1906-1972) -- "R" (1929) -- Eduard Bagritsky (1895-1934) -- "Origin"(1930) -- From February (1934) -- Mark Egart (1901-1956) -- From The Scorched Land (1932) -- Ilya Ilf (1897-1937) and Evgeny Petrov (1903-1942) -- "The Prodigal Son Returns Home" (1930) by Ilf -- From The Little Golden Calf (1931) by Ilf and Petrov -- Raisa Blokh (1899-1943) -- "A snatch of speech came floating on the air . . ." (1932) -- "Remember, father would stand . . ." (1933) -- War and Shoah: 1940s -- Editor's Introduction -- Boris Yampolsky (1921-1972) -- "Mr. Dykhes and Others" from Country Fair (ca. 1940). Ilya Ehrenburg (1891-1967) -- "To the Jews" (1941) -- "Six Poems" (The January 1945 Novy mir cycle) -- Ilya Selvinsky (1899-1968) -- "I Saw It" (1942) -- "Kerch" (1942) -- Sofia Dubnova-Erlich (1885-1986) -- "Shtetl" (1943) -- "Scorched Hearth" (1944) -- Vasily Grossman (1905-1964) -- "The Hell of Treblinka" (1944) -- Lev Ozerov (1914-1996) -- "Babi Yar" (1944-45 -- pub. 1946) -- Pavel Antokolsky (1896-1978) -- "Death Camp" (1945) -- Yury German (1910-1967) -- From Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Corps (1949) -- Boris Pasternak (1890-1960) -- "In the Lowlands" (1944) -- "Odessa" (1944) -- From Doctor Zhivago (1946-[55] -- pub. 1957) -- The Thaw: 1950s-1960s -- Editor's Introduction -- Boris Slutsky (1919-1986) -- "These Abr�am, Is�ak and Y�akov . . ." (1953 -- pub. 1989) -- "Of the Jews" (1952-56 -- pub. 1961) -- "Oh, but we Jews had all the luck …" (before 1955) -- "Horses in the Ocean" (1956) -- "Prodigal Son" (1956) -- "Puny Jewish children . . ." (1957-58 -- pub. 1989) -- Vasily Grossman (1905-1964) -- From Life and Fate (1960 -- pub. 1980) -- Joseph Brodsky (1940-1996) -- "Jewish graveyard near Leningrad . . ." (1958 -- pub. 1965) -- "I'm not asking death for immortality . . ." (ca. 1961 -- pub. 1992) -- Vladimir Britanishsky (1933-2015) -- "A German Girl" (1957-58 -- pub. 1993) -- Yuly Daniel (1925-1988) -- From This Is Moscow Speaking (1961) -- Emmanuil Kazakevich (1913-1962) -- "Enemies" (1962) -- Yan Satunovsky (1913-1982) -- "In the country that has nearly forgotten . . ." (1939 -- pub. 1990s) -- "Who are you, repatriated widows? . . ." (ca. 1943 -- pub. 1990s) -- "Girls with golden eyes . . ." (1960 -- pub. 1990s) -- "You're mistaken . . ." (1961 -- pub. 1990s) -- "It's the end of our nation . . ." (1962 -- pub. 1990s) -- "My Slavic language is Russian . . ." (1963 -- pub. 1990s) -- "I'm Moyshe from Berdichev . . ." (1963 -- pub. 1990s). "Eve, a civilized Jewess . . ." (1964 -- pub. 1990s) -- "Expressionism-Zionism . . ." (1965) -- "Blessed be the ill fate . . ." (1967) -- "Gate slamming, shelter closing . . ." (1967) -- "There are antisemites, and antisemites . . ." (1974) -- "Some say: in Solzhenitsyn's time . . ." (1974) -- Late Soviet Empire and Collapse: 1960s-1990s -- Editor's Introduction -- Vassily Aksyonov (1932-2009) -- "Victory: A Story with Exaggerations" (1965) -- Aleksandr Kushner (b. 1936) -- "When that teacher in Poland, so as not . . ." (1966) -- "Letters" (1966) -- Genrikh Sapgir (1928-1999) -- "In Memory of My Father" (1962 -- pub. 1999) -- "Psalm 3" (1965-66 -- pub. 1979) -- "Psalm 116 (117)" (1965-66 -- pub. 1979) -- "Psalm 132 (133)" (1965-66 -- pub. 1988) -- "Psalm 136 (137)" (1965-66 -- pub. 1993) -- "Psalm 150" (1965-66 -- pub. 1993) -- "A Pole Rode" (1985 -- pub. 1992) -- Aleksandr Aronov (1934-2001) -- "Ghetto. 1943" (1960s -- pub. 1989) -- "That raving blatherskite . . ." (1960s -- pub. 1993) -- Semyon Lipkin (1911-2003) -- "Khaim" (1973 -- pub. 1979) -- Yury Karabchievsky (1938-1992) -- From The Life of Alexander Zilber (1974-75) -- Inna Lisnyanskaya (1928-2014) -- "My father, a military doctor . . ." (1975 -- pub. 1980) -- "An Incident" (1981 -- pub. 1983) -- Boris Slutsky (1919-1986) -- "Let's cross out the Pale . . ." (1970s -- pub. 1985) -- "I love the antisemites . . ." (before 1977 -- pub. 1988) -- "The rabbis came down to the valley . . ." (before 1977 -- pub. 1989) -- Anatoly Rybakov (1911-1998) -- From Heavy Sand (1975-77 -- pub. 1978) -- Yury Trifonov (1925-1981) -- "A Visit with Marc Chagall" (1980) from The Overturned House -- Lev Ginzburg (1921-1980) -- From "Only My Heart Was Broken . . ." (1980) -- Evgeny Reyn (b. 1935) -- "For the Last Time" (1987) -- Sara Pogreb (b. 1921) -- "I'm going to see my grandparents. The cart . . ." (1986). "I'm bidding farewell to the slush . . ." (1989) -- Israel Metter (1909-1996) -- Pedigree (1980s) -- Aleksandr Mezhirov (1923-2009) -- From Blizzard (1986-2000) -- Bella Ulanovskaya (1943-2005) -- Journey to Kashgar (1973-89) -- Aleksandr Melikhov (b. 1947) -- From The Confession of a Jew (1993) -- Ludmila Ulitskaya (b. 1943) -- "Genele the Purse Lady" (1993) -- The Jewish Exodus: 1970s-1990s -- Editor's Introduction -- Lev Mak (b. 1939) -- "A Farewell to Russia" (1974 -- pub. 1976) -- "August in Odessa" (1974 -- pub. 1983) -- Boris Khazanov (b. 1928) -- From The King's Hour (1968-69 -- pub. 1976) -- Ilia Bokstein (1937-1999) -- "Af�anta-Ut�oma" ("Fantasia-Judaica") from Glints of the Wave (late 1960s-1970s -- pub. 1978) -- David Markish (b. 1938) -- "The Appearance of Prophet Elijah, 1714" from The Jesters (1981-82) -- Michael Kreps (1940-1994) -- "Childhood" (1980s) -- "The Cat with a Yellow Star" (1980s) -- "Call of the Ancestors" (1980s) -- Philip Isaac Berman (b. 1936) -- "Sarah and the Rooster" (1988) -- Ruth Zernova (1919-2004) -- "All Vows" (1988) -- David Shrayer-Petrov (b. 1936) -- "Chagall's Self-Portrait with Wife" (1975 -- pub. 1990) -- "My Slavic Soul" (1975 -- pub. 1990) -- "Villa Borghese" (1987-90) -- "H�ande Hoch!" (1999) -- Marina Temkina (b. 1948) -- "1995: Happy New Year!" (1995) -- Dina Rubina (b. 1953) -- From Here Comes the Messiah! (1996) -- Friedrich Gorenstein (1932-2002) -- "The Arrest of an Antisemite" (1998) -- Anna Gorenko (1972-1999) -- "wake up all the poets all died overnight . . ." (1995) -- "The Golem" (1997) -- "Translating from the European" (1999) -- Outline of Jewish-Russian History John D. Klier -- The Jews in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1772-2000: A Selected Bibliography -- Bibliography of Primary Sources -- Index of Authors -- Index of Translators -- Index Index of Names, Works, and Subjects. About the Editor.

This definitive and comprehensive anthology of major nineteenth- and twentieth-century fiction, nonfiction and poetry by eighty Jewish-Russian writers explores both timeless themes and specific tribulations of a people's history.


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