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Cust, James.

Africa's Resource Future : Harnessing Natural Resources for Economic Transformation During the Low-Carbon Transition. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (274 pages) - Africa Development Forum Series . - Africa Development Forum Series .

Front Cover -- Contents -- Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- About the Editors and Contributors -- Main Messages -- Executive Summary -- Abbreviations -- Overview -- The Untapped Economic Potential of Sub-Saharan Africa's Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources -- The Legacy and Lessons from Africa's Commodity Price Boom and Bust -- Unlocking the Mining Sector's Economic Potential through Regional Integration and the African Continental Free Trade Area -- Looking Ahead to Africa's Resource Future -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 1 The Untapped Economic Potential of Sub-Saharan Africa's Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources -- Introduction -- The Significant Rise in Resource-Rich Countries across Africa in the Past Two Decades -- The Untapped Resource Potential of Africa -- Unlocking SME Potential in the Mining Sector -- Conclusions -- Policy Recommendations -- Annex 1A Analysis of Trade Elasticities -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 2 The Legacy and Lessons of Africa's Commodity Price Boom and Bust -- Introduction -- Outcome 1: Economic Growth in Resource-Rich Africa Collapsed Once Commodity Prices Fell -- Outcome 2: Poverty Has Deepened in Resource-Rich Sub-Saharan African Countries -- Outcome 3: Inequality Has Persisted in Resource-Rich Sub-Saharan African Countries -- Outcome 4: Despite Significant Earnings during the Boom, Resource-Rich Africa Failed to Diversify Its Economies -- Export Concentration: The Boom Drove Increased Export Concentration -- Asset Concentration: What Happened to the Wealth of Nations? -- Outcome 5: Governance Was an Important Determining Factor in Outcomes for Resource-Rich Countries -- Governing New Discoveries and Managing Expectations: The Risk of the Presource Curse -- Managing Macroeconomic Risks -- Resource-Backed Loans Carry Hidden Risks -- Conclusions: Insights from the Boom-and-Bust Cycle -- Notes -- References. Chapter 3 Unlocking the Mining Sector's Economic Potential through Regional Integration and the African Continental Free Trade Area -- Introduction -- The African Continental Free Trade Area -- Tariff Barriers -- Nontariff Barriers: Logistics and Infrastructure -- Policy Impediments: Local Content Policy Requirements and Export Restrictions -- Policy Recommendations -- Tariffs -- Nontariff Barriers -- Policy Impediments -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 4 Looking Ahead to Africa's Resource Future -- Introduction -- Megatrend 1: The Low-Carbon Transition -- Megatrend 2: Mechanization and Digital Transformation -- Megatrend 3: Environmental Consequences -- Megatrend 4: Long-Term Structural Effects -- Conclusions -- Annex 4A Chile's Nitrate Age, Nitrate Crisis, and Unprecedented Success Story -- Notes -- References -- Boxes -- Box ES.1 Policy Recommendations -- Box 1.1 Strengthening Support to Junior African Mining Companies -- Box 3.1 The Cost of Being Landlocked: The Case of Zambia -- Box 3.2 Alleviating the State-Owned Enterprise Energy Bottleneck in the Mining Sector -- Box 4.1 Will Digital Transformation Adoption Disrupt Work in Africa's Mining Sector? -- Figures -- Figure ES.1 Decline in per Capita GDP Growth Following the Resource Boom -- Figure O.1 Estimated Oil, Gas, Metals, and Mineral in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Year -- Figure O.2 Average Nonrenewable Resource Exports as a Share of Total Merchandise Exports and Average Resource Revenues as a Share of Total Government Revenues, by Region -- Figure O.3 Giant Oil and Gas Field Discoveries, by Region and Decade, 1950-2018 -- Figure O.4 Per Capita GDP Growth before, during, and after the Resource Boom -- Figure O.5 Global Historical and Projected Poverty Headcount, 1995-2030 -- Figure O.6 Total Poverty Headcount, Resource-Rich and Non-Resource-Rich Sub-Saharan African Countries, 1995-2030. Figure O.7 Change in Gini Coefficient in Sub-Saharan African Countries, Preboom versus End of Boom -- Figure O.8 Average Adjusted Net Savings as a Share of GNI and Average Natural Resource Rents as a Share of GDP over the 2004-14 Boom Period in Sub-Saharan African Countries -- Figure O.9 Indexed Worldwide Governance Indicators: Period Averages for Resource-Rich and Non-Resource-Rich African Countries -- Figure O.10 Short-Term Growth Impact of Giant Hydrocarbon Discoveries -- Figure O.11 Overoptimism of Citizens about Macroeconomic Conditions and Living Standards after Hydrocarbon Discoveries -- Figure O.12 General Government Gross Debt in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Type of Resource Endowment, 2007, 2013, and 2018 -- Figure O.13 Africa's GDP-Weighted Employment Growth, by Subsector, Full Free Trade Agreement Long-Term Scenario -- Figure O.14 Fossil Fuel Use, by Resource and Scenario, 2020, 2030, and 2050 -- Figure O.15 Cobalt Exports from Sub-Saharan Africa -- Figure O.16 Production Output, per Person, per Year, for Three Different Types of Platinum Group Metals Mines Owned by Anglo American -- Figure O.17 Average Distribution of Human Capital between Males and Females in Resource-Rich and Non-Resource-Rich Countries, Selected Regions, 2018 -- Figure 1.1 Receipts from Natural Resources, by Country, 2004-14 Average -- Figure 1.2 Nonrenewable Resource Exports as a Share of Total Merchandise Exports, by Region, 2004-14 Average -- Figure 1.3 Resource Revenues as a Share of Total Government Revenues, by Region, 2004-14 Average -- Figure 1.4 Sub-Saharan Africa's Aggregate and per Capita Natural Wealth, 1995-2018 -- Figure 1.5 Active Mineral Exploration Sites per Million Square Kilometers of Surface Area in Key Mining Jurisdictions, 2017 -- Figure 1.6 Mineral Exploration Spending and Discovery Value, Select Countries and Regions, 2007-16. Figure 1.7 World Mineral Exploration Expenditures, Select Countries and Regions, 1975-2019 -- Figure 1.8 Mine-Site Value and Primary Mineral Value, by African Region -- Figure 1.9 Number of African Mineral Discoveries, by Size of Deposit, 1900-2019 -- Figure 1.10 Number of African Mineral Discoveries, by Commodity, 1900-2019 -- Figure 1.11 Number of African Mineral Discoveries, by Type of Exploration Company, 1900-2019 -- Figure 1.12 Giant Oil and Gas Field Discoveries, by Region and Decade, 1950-2018 -- Figure 1.13 Largest Giant Petroleum Discoveries for Host Country Economy, Net Present Value of Discovery Scaled by Share of GDP, 1960-2020 -- Figure 1.14 Actual and Projected Global Metals Demand from EV Lithium-Ion Batteries -- Figure 1.15 Nonrenewable Resource Exports as a Share of Government Revenue, by Region -- Figure 1.16 Changes to the Sub-Saharan African Mineral Commodity Export Structure across Main Importers, 1995-2018 -- Figure 1A.1 Export Supply and Import Demand Elasticities of the SSA Exporters to Main Importers Relative to the Rest of the World, by Chapter -- Figure 1A.2 Effect of Energy Minerals in Sub-Saharan African Export Revenues -- Figure 2.1 Government Revenues and Rents from Natural Resources, Select Sub-Saharan African Resource-Rich Countries, 1990-2020 -- Figure 2.2 Comparison of GDP and Nonresource GDP Growth Rates before, during, and after the Boom, Resource-Rich versus Non-Resource-Rich Countries -- Figure 2.3 Annual Growth of Total Wealth per Capita in Sub-Saharan Africa, Period Averages -- Figure 2.4 Share of the World's Poor in Resource-Rich and Non-Resource-Rich Sub-Saharan African Countries, 1995-2030 -- Figure 2.5 Total Poverty Headcount, Resource-Rich and Non-Resource-Rich Sub-Saharan African Countries, 1995-2030 -- Figure 2.6 Poverty Headcount in Sub-Saharan African Countries, 2003 versus 2014. Figure 2.7 Global Historical and Projected Poverty Headcount, 1995-2030 -- Figure 2.8 Gini Coefficients in Sub-Saharan Africa, Preboom (2003) versus End of Boom (2014) -- Figure 2.9 Change in Gini Coefficient in Sub-Saharan African Countries, Preboom versus End of Boom -- Figure 2.10 Sectoral Composition of Sub-Saharan African Exports, Preboom, Boom, and Postboom Average -- Figure 2.11 Ratio of Resource GDP to Nonresource GDP in Sub-Saharan African Countries, 1998-2003 versus 2014-18 Averages -- Figure 2.12 Export Diversification Index of Sub-Saharan African Countries, 1998-2003 versus 2006-10 Averages -- Figure 2.13 Change in Total Wealth per Capita in Sub-Saharan African Countries, 2004-14 -- Figure 2.14 Average Adjusted Net Savings as a Share of GNI and Average Natural Resource Rents as a Share of GDP over the 2004-14 Boom Period in Sub-Saharan African Countries -- Figure 2.15 Wealth Composition per Capita in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2004 versus 2014 -- Figure 2.16 Indexed Worldwide Governance Indicators: Period Averages for Resource-Rich and Non-Resource-Rich African Countries -- Figure 2.17 Change in Worldwide Governance Indicator Average Ratings, by Resource-Rich Sub-Saharan African Country, 1998-2003 to 2015-18 -- Figure 2.18 Short-Term Growth Impact of Giant Hydrocarbon Discoveries -- Figure 2.19 Overoptimism of Citizens about Macroeconomic Conditions and Living Standards after Hydrocarbon Discoveries -- Figure 2.20 General Government Gross Debt in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Type of Resource Endowment, 2007, 2013, and 2018 -- Figure 3.1 Africa's GDP-Weighted Employment Growth, by Subsector, Full Free Trade Agreement Long-Term Scenario -- Figure 3.2 International Transport Costs for All Modes of Transport, by Regional Average, 1985-2014 -- Figure 3.3 Gold Production at Acacia's Bulyanhulu Mine in Tanzania, 2016-21. Figure 4.1 Fossil Fuel Use, by Resource and Scenario, 2020, 2030, and 2050.


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